About Me

My journey at Swarthmore started in the Fall of 2020. I had just graduated from Bridge2Rwanda, a gap year program based in Kigali, Rwanda, and was ready to pursue my fields of interest. At Swarthmore, I chose to pursue Computer Science and Economics. Throughout my college education and beyond, I constantly challenge myself to be generous with my education. I constantly learn about engaging means to be generous with my education, skills, and gifts. The kind of generosity I envision is the one that is multidirectional and infinite— a generosity that is a practice rather than an act, for this generosity is the one that builds, sustains, and transforms oneself and the community. 

Philosophy Statement

My passion for technology is newfound but profound. I grew up in a community with low access to technology and have always wanted to change this. I ventured into the tech realm determined to use my passion to make technology accessible to my home community and to everyone who has not reaped the benefits of the transformative technologies that are running the world. I also understand that technology and models that feed it can be misused, which results in disruptive unintended consequences. This misuse yields what the author Cathy O Neill calls “Weapons of Math Destruction.” Technologies and models that harm the communities they intended to help.  As a tech enthusiast,  I keep this in mind, and thus, I am committed to building tools that consider the outcomes they will have on communities. Ultimately, I hope to build technologies whose aim is centered around serving the people and helping them adapt to our ever-changing world.